Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why are Vegans Pro-Abortion? - Preparing for the Anti-Christian Morality of the University

Are you heading off to college in the fall? Are you prepared for the challenges to your faith the college life/professors will send your way? Well, Shepherd of the Hills (SOTH) would like to help prepare your mind and heart for these challenges. A one time workshop has been prepared to answer the question “Why are Vegans Pro-Abortion?” and many other questions related to the intellectual and faith climate on college and university campuses.

DATE: August 6, 2008

TIME: 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Chapel West of Shepherd of the Hills

COST: Free

Both parents and students are encouraged to attend. Presentation by Matt Hutter, Claremont Graduate University, School of Information Systems and Technology & Dave Rueter, DCE @ SOTH and Ph.D. student @ Talbot School of Theology.

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
6080 Have Ave.
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737

To Register call Dave at 909-989-6500 or e-mail to